Originally posted at https://www.rune2.com/august20update/
09 / 01 / 20
This last month on RUNE II, we learned some new skills.
Welcome to the August monthly update, on this day…August 32nd. We’ve done a ton of work on RUNE II over the last month and we’re ready to show and tell you all about it.
Let’s get into it.
After months of development from all of us on the Studio 369 team, The Campaign Update will be making its way from the PTR to the RUNE II live client September 9, 2020. The RUNE II Campaign Update will debut the DUNGEONS OF MIDGARD, the SKILL TREE SYSTEM , HORDE EVENTS , and Additional Mythical Creatures. An all-newmain narrative will replace the old RUNE II storyline, introducing new characters, quests, and an ending sequence fit for a legendary Viking saga. The brand new Campaign Update is a free update for all RUNE II players.
RUNE II will arrive on Steam in November 2020!
We’ve just refreshed and updated our Steam page! If Steam is your gaming platform of choice, check out our updated page and wishlist us on Steam! http://rune2.com/wishlist
I’m holding an ongoing Ask Us Anything on our Steam Forums. Hop in and ask me about RUNE II! https://steamcommunity.com/app/821290/discussions/0/3932159940151814190/
In case you missed it, this last weekend we premiered a brand new RUNE II trailer at Gamescom 2020! Watch our new Dungeons trailer on IGN’s YouTube channel or below:
We were also part of GamesRadar’s Future Game Show. Check out the segment they put together about everything new that’s coming to RUNE II!
We added a brand new skill tree to RUNE II as part of the Campaign Update. You can check it out on PTR now, or wait until September 9th when the Campaign Update is live. Here’s a quick preview of what you can do…
We look forward to watching the builds that our players will theorycraft and create!
As part of the Campaign Update, we are working on overhauling our multiplayer experience. Here is what players should expect on September 9, 2020:
We have completely rewritten how our quest system interacts with players. For multiplayer campaigns, quests now advance based on a global server questline. We recommend that anyone renting or hosting a campaign server password protects it.
Based on the new global questlines, we are removing all official RUNE II Co-op servers and associated save files. The only official servers that will be offered will be PvP servers.
Additionally due to the incompatibility with the old repeatable Agefall quest and our new narrative experiences, all existing save files will be unable to be used starting September 9. We expect that this will be the only time that we will need to wipe save files.
RUNE II will still have hostable, rentable, and joinable campaign servers. When you click “CAMPAIGN”, you’ll have a box at the bottom that asks if you want to “HOST A GAME” and put in a password. For games to be joinable by others, players that wish to host a game will still need to open their ports and firewall by following the instructions in our server hosting guide.
As of writing, the only way to join another player is by using the direct connect option. Our goal is to have co-op multiplayer sessions joinable from the server browser by the time the Campaign Update is in your hands.
This is just the first step in our overhauled multiplayer experience. Our end goal is to integrate RUNE II fully with Epic’s and Steam’s online services so you have a seamless multiplayer experience.
Our art team has been kicking ass on updating visuals for Chapter 1: Awakening. We’ve also added a ton more landmass to the world of Midgard to make it feel more like a real world, instead of just a series of islands. Check out the before and after comparison images below!
Deep below Midgard, mazes of subterranean levels hide treasures and artifacts of power… as well as an ancient evil. Requested by the community and inspired by classic RUNE levels, the dungeons will challenge the most hardened Viking warriors as they encounter a gauntlet of enemies, challenging platform sequences, and vile monster bosses. Beware what lies below!
There’s only 8 more sleeps between now and the Campaign Update. We’re excited to get the months of hard work into your hands and to see all the ways that you use our new skill tree to make combinations of builds that we’ve never thought of.
We’ll see you soon.
Mitch, out!
One last thing, before I forget. We’ve been streaming our internal development builds on the RUNE II Discord Server. If you’re reading this today (Sept 1, 2020) we’ll be streaming co-op later today. Come hang out and watch us get rekt by Ragnarok difficulty! If you’re reading this after today, howdy from the past! You should join our official RUNE II Discord regardless and say hello! Our development team is on there and loves interacting with the community.
Okay, Mitch out! (For real)