Mitch Alpiner is a Michigan native, passionate about social media and community management, affiliate marketing, and business partnerships. He holds a Baccalaureate of Arts from Michigan State University in Media and Information, which he earned in 2016. Mitch is excited to continue his career in esports, and is eager to see what the future holds. When not working on projects, Mitch can be found making a good cup of coffee, ballroom dancing in 19 styles, or playing video games.
Notable achievements
Completed Associate of Arts degree in Vocal Music Performance, May 2013
Bachelor of Arts in Digital Multimedia obtained from Michigan State University, May 2016
Mastery with Windows 7/8/10.
Learned 19 different styles of ballroom dancing in three years.
Built a website using Squarespace’s easy to use and beautiful tools.
Traveled from Michigan to Seattle, Boston, San Antonio, California, Las Vegas, and more.
Built an optimized resume using machine learning technologies.
Stopped drinking overtly burnt coffee.